
Friday, January 20, 2006

Grey-Colored Hues (Part II)

Yesterday, as I go offline and do my things for that day, I though about the recent post I made. It sounds "gloomy" and kind of "depressing", don't you think?

Basically, grey-colored hues is about weariness... when things are pulling you down, when people become rude, and the attitude levels are rising and you feel you'll like to blow up! And so you get wild, partying and enjoying yourself just to get rid of that weariness you felt inside... hoping you'll feel well. For a moment, maybe, but it goes back and doubled its full force.

So how do we get rid of this endless cycle? I know you might find my advice too common, to cliche... too touchy-feely... BUT if you are HUMAN enough to admit that you are helpless, that you need help, that you desire some greater power to save you - YOU NEED GOD. YOU NEED JESUS. I'd like to share to you the lyrics from "Evanescence's" first hit, "Bring Me To Life" and pray that God will work you through...It says,
How can you see into my eyes like open doors
Leading you down into my core
Where I’ve become so numb without a soul
My spirit sleeping somewhere cold
Until you find it there and lead it back home

--> You see the person in this 1st verse realizes how his/her soul becomes "numb" ... When we say numb, it doesn't mean that we feel weary at all... we are left feeling-less, that all things good or bad mean the same.

"Why do I care if I want to be on top while I hurt others along the way", "Why do I care if I have lots of one-night stand partners?", "So what if my mom and dad from the province will come to visit me?". (Sorry, for the offended ones) These are some of the examples if we had a "dead conscience".

We don't feel any guilt nor any form of serendipity (grace) from anything. Everything is just plain, nor black nor white ... just gray, gray and gray! In the first line, the person realizes that "someone" knows everything regarding his/her sad predicament and that person realizes that that "someone" could "lead" his/her soul back home. That "someone", you may call it God, or "something greater than the mind can conceive" will take your soul back to where it belongs - in his nature, in his likeness. Genesis 1:26a says:
Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness,...
... God's image is spiritual in nature and we are to be spiritual beings because we came from him. When the "spirit" becomes "lost", of course, "it wants to go home"... Logically it make sense, right?

The chorus, I leave it to you... Make it your own prayer when you feel "lost". God is always there to find you and wake you up and lead you to His home.
Wake me up inside
Wake me up inside
Call my name and save me from the dark
Bid my blood to run
Before I come undone
Save me from the nothing I've become
Now that I know what I'm without
You can't just leave me
Breathe into me and make me real
Bring me to life

Though Evanescence outrightly denied that their song is a "Christian" song... many people have been blessed. They may not realize the impact it made to those who are hungry, those are weary and how the song led them back to God... I included.

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