
Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Extravagant Worship

Extravagant Worship by Darlene Zschech
Darlene Zschech's New Book
Year 2006 marks a new and renewed spirit in me because I have decided to be an "Extravagant Worshipper" for Christ. By the end of year 2005 while I was in the MDD district, I have been reading Darlene Zscech's FYI new book, "Extravagant Worship". Now what is "Extravagant Worship"? Does it mean having a "grandiose" Praise and Worship in our churches every Sunday? From what I read, being an extravagant worshipper, to give extravagant worship does not nocessarily mean to praise and worship God through songs. The ones we have in our churches, where we sing fast songs (which we label praise worship songs) and slow ones (which we label worship songs), worshipping God must not be limited there.
Darlene is the worship pastor and leader of the Creative Arts ministry of Hills Christian Center in Sydney, Australia

Darlene speaks from her heart and from first-hand experience that to give extravagant worship would cost us greatly. Worship is in itself must and should be our lifestyle. It is about discipline, to give our very best even if God does not require for us to perform for Him. To be an extravagant worshipper means to have the renewing of mind and to align our desires and dreams with God's will in our lives. These are only a few things that Darlene discussed.

Darlene in 'God He Reigns'
The book also discussed few pointers for musicians and "Praise and Worship" leaders which would you, amateur musicians, song writers, praise and worship leaders find useful. Her advice will inspire you and makes you aspire to improve in your ministry in your local church (Would you believe I composed a song after reading the book? I'm so in love with God and what He has done in my life). When I was saved (Was it a time I was baptized our was time when I hear God called my name?), God had planted a dream seed in my heart and at this point in my life, God is making that seed grow. Feed the seed God gave you. Be an extravagant worshipper for God.

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