
Monday, November 26, 2007

Paradoxes in the Bible

As I grow into Christian maturity by reading the Bible, I have realized that there are certain truths that go against each other. Until you experience them, they look non-sense but when you found it's profound meaning, you will be amazed on how God works that way. Certain truths that go against each others are called "paradoxes". According to Wikipedia encyclopedia, paradox means,
"A paradox is an apparently true statement or group of statements that leads to a contradiction or a situation which defies intuition. Typically, either the statements in question do not really imply the contradiction, the puzzling result is not really a contradiction, or the premises themselves are not all really true or cannot all be true together. The word paradox is often used interchangeably with contradiction.

The Bible contains lots and lots of paradoxical truths from Genesis to Revelation but I have listed below some of my favorites and held much value in my life today.

1) Jesus is 100% human, yet 100% divine.

2) One who tries to save his life will lose it, one who gives his life will find it. (Goosebumps now growing in me)

3) The first will be last and the last will be first.

4) Faith is useless without Action.

5) To live is Christ and to die is gain.

6) For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. (1 Cor 1:21)

7) In my Father's kingdom... the wisest is the fool.

8) The lowly will be lifted up, the proud humbled.

And lastly my favorite, "God who rules the universe with his great might and power is also the same God who lives inside my heart, speaking in a still small voice."

Saturday, October 13, 2007

It's OK to be Down at Times

In our fun-loving culture nowadays, it's a no-no to be lonely. When friends ask me how I was and I tell them I'm just feeling lonely, they would advise me immediately that I need a girl friend or something or watch a movie. And I guess it's not just us, Filipinos but most people in general. Quoting Drew Barrymore playing her role in the movie "Lucky You", she says to Eric Bana that "People are trying not to be lonely" and I guess this is true.

Edna Turnbald - No to Dieting!
Loneliness, hated and avoided but it comes and it's real! It sucks the life out of us and it really sucks! Right? Personally, I'm quite lonely. Mainly I guess, I've moved quite far from most of my friends lived. During these Saturday evening we would just hang out in the Community House, talking serious about life and struggle or just trash talking or watch a movie or sing in a videoke. I missed those times but I just felt I have to move on from those things at these moments of my life because I just have to - to answer destiny's call or the call from God himself. Secondly, I feel lonely because I can't eat too much and I can't eat the food that I really like. I love eating and subjecting myself into this torturous routine is indeed a crime to my mouth, tongue and stomach. I'm on a diet see because I'm so hefty and heavy like John Travolta in Hairspray! Just joking, well I'm nearly obese so I have to lose weight for health's sake. So, not eating that much makes me lonely.

We all love on a high and we felt something spiritual about it when on a high. Drug dependents are always looking for a high through drugs because living in their reality, life sucks! But it makes me wonder and am always led to think where would it take me. Would God want to meet me here? We always think of God as someone who would lead us to the highest mountains but we don't want to think that He would take us to the valley far down below. What will I find here? Things to ask, things to think about.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Sunday Moonshell

In daily times I've walked in this world
Breezing through the rush of life
I long for a place where You and I meet
Where I can break down and cry

Lord, you know my heart
And the many times it failed You
By Your blood I am set free
But why does it feel like I'm still bound in chains

Sometimes I feel like I've never changed
And Your power not dwelling in my life
How can I go to the ends of the earth for You
When I myself can't escape from the sin that binds me

How can I tell others that You've loved them
When I myself don't feel Your love in my brokenness
The shame still holds my heart

Only by Your grace Lord that I can tell others
Despite of myself, Your strength comes in my weakness
You are still at work in me God and I am hopeful
Till I gave my last breath, then I'll be whole

- Then I'll see beyond my Calvary, one day and I will be will complete in You - "Complete", lyrics by Wayne Huirua, Parachute Band

Sunday, September 02, 2007

The Cost of Obeying God

Your heart palpitates as it anticipates the coming of an emotional high. Your hands trembling, your feet shaking, your mind in a daze blindlessly focused on this one thing only. You were restless, you were nervous yet you were excited and suddenly it hits you. Going further only leads you to sin and your heart tells you that it's not worth it. You'll just shrink back to where your emotions used to be and this time plus the heavy guilt that resides now in your heart. So you stopped, an intense aching and longing ensues your heart, affecting your emotions and mood. You felt like you've just deprived yourself of a real treat! Hungry yet not allowed to eat. That my friends is the cost of obeying God.

PAIN, that is my friends, PAIN. It's so real and it pierces like a two-edged sword. Choosing to obey God is not always pleasant. When we pursue to know God's heart and suurender our lives to him, we submit our control and let ourselves "die" so that God may breathe a new life in us. 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV) says:
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

Since we are now in Christ, God changes us. He transforms our lives according to His will. He transforms every aspect of our lives - our thoughts, our character, our views and even the shame that binds us, he sets us free. So now, how does pain come into the picture? Though we are now "born again" into His family, with a new life of adventure that God has laid before us, Satan will not stop from snatching you away from God's family. He appears like a seductive lover, a wolf inside a lamb's body wooing you with promises of pleasure - they could appear as memories of your past life that you used to enjoy, it could be a habit or an addiction that you just can't let go, it could be a feeling or nostalgia, or even real people, even Christian friends that would encourage you fall back into the old sinful thinking or to an old sinful habit. All of this can be used by Satan - our own evil desires, we are dragged away and enticed (James 1:14).

The reality is, when we are tempted by this things, we could be overwhelmed and it seemed that the only way to resolve this is to just give in but the danger it will retaliate back at you. We're like fish that sees a bait of delicious, fat worm and once that it bites the worm, it realizes that there's a hook concealed beneath and it's too late now to unswallow. Surely when this things happen we need God's grace to overcome, to enable to us fight off from succumbing to temptation. As we revel in His word, he clothes us with his armor (Ephesians 6:10-18) and we indulge in the fight. When the battle is won, we could be wounded and pained - like a struggling alcoholic who refuses to take a drink, like a man who refuses to respond to the sexual advances of his female colleague because he is married and other things.

Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane was tempted "not to take the cup of God's wrath", wishing if there could be a different way. We read in the passages of the gospels, that Jesus struggled, he was groaning, his body was shaking and trembling and he's sweating blood - terrified of the fate that awaits him. But he endured because it is for this cause, to do the Father's will that He has come for this hour - that we may be saved. For us, when we experience the pain of obeying God's will, we focus our eyes on Jesus who was just as human as we are, tempted in every way yet did not sin. When we do so, we will find comfort and the peace that goes beyond our understanding. We felt stronger like a mighty warrior who just won the battle. Jesus encouraged us to be of "good cheer, for we have overcome the world"

Saturday, August 25, 2007

I Will Run to You

Your eye is on the sparrow
And your hand it comforts me
From the ends of the earth
To the depths of my heart
Let Your mercy and strength be seen

You called me to Your purpose
As angels understand
For your glory may You draw all men
As Your love and grace demands

And I will run to You
To Your words of truth
Not by might not by power
But by the Spirit of God

Yes I will run the race
Till I see Your face
Oh let me live the glory of Your grace

Monday, July 16, 2007

The Weekend that Was

0. Saturday breakfast fellowship with Richard and Ferdz in Dulcinea, Tomas Morato. We talked about God's goodness in our lives.

1. Brought my laundry to the shop

2. Have lunch with Francis

3. Videoke with Francis while waiting for the movie.

4. Watched Die Hard 4.0. It's the best

5. Watched basketball game with Josh at "The Arena" in San, Juan. SMC-RP team versus Syria. We won!

6. Went Home and slept

7. Woke up, Sunday.

8. Bought tickets for my other friends and birthday boy, Judd for Harry Potter 5.

9. Lunch with church friends.

10. Watched Harry Potter

11. Kill the time in Gloria Jeans

12. Went to church in VCF galleria with friends... We have a wonderful service!

13. Dinner with Noel and Tom.

14. Went home and slept.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Sparkling Rain Drops

Yesterday, I was just inside the house spending the lazy Sunday afternoon. I looked outside and dark clouds formed, and it began to drizzle. I remembered I have to get my laundry from the laundry shop before the day ends. I might not get it later for I have to go to the church. I grabbed my umbrella upstairs and went outside. As I was walking towards the laundry shop, a feeling just overwhelmed me. I felt refreshed seeing the trees, their leaves being cleansed from the dust by the soft drizzle. The clouds beyond the horizon still looked dark, angry, yet an implacable calm set in my heart watching these huge masses of rain. I caught myself in a nostalgic moment,

"When was the last time I felt like this?"

It felt so familiar and it was an old feeling, so long ago, I thought I wouldn't remember. I used to like rains, I used to love gazing by the window in our old house watching the puddles, anticipating the lightning illuminating the darkened skies and catching myself frightened by the sound of the distant thunder. But there was one instance that I cannot forget, it was like a romance between me and nature and it happened when I was in Grade II.

Remember When It Rained
I remembered it was Thursday and we were playing at the school playground that afternoon. The clouds overhead were gray and not just ordinary gray but extremely gray, almost black. It's like they hold tons and tons of water but on far horizon by the west, the sun was shining so brightly unhindered by any cloud. We were busy playing, running and suddenly, I looked above and I saw something like salt crystals falling from the sky. I stopped from running, gazing intently what was falling. I immediately thought of UFO's and aliens like I've seen in VHS's. Seconds passed, and the crystals become more visible. They become so many filling the entire sky. I looked around and the other kids stopped playing. They were looking above, their eyes excited. I can't contain the anticipation of everyone in there. Seconds later, the crystals grew larger and they sparkle so bright that they looked like stars falling from the sky. Some children shouted,

"It's going to rain diamonds!",

"No," the others said. "It's going to rain ice crystals!"

As if preserved by the moment, we were just there; standing like in a trance, our eyes transfixed, awestruck. Our mouths in big "O"s gaping, beholding at the most beautiful sight. It felt magical and my 8-year old eyes were filled with such wonder only God can do. It's almost near and the crystals were now falling fast and suddenly, my face become wet as huge raindrops hit like bullets on everyone. Everyone scampered to their respective classrooms. When I was inside the room listening to the raging storm outside, my classmates and I were talking about it. We told our teacher about what we've seen and she explained that maybe the raindrops sparkled like diamond crystals because they reflect the sunlight. Oh well, yeah it could be and I know she was right but I can't forget the wonder it had on me.

I got back to my senses, still cherishing that wonderful memory. I haven't had those kind of experiences anymore. Maybe my heart does not anticipate such wonder. It has been blinded by the harsh realities of being an adult - work, bills, stress. I prayed to God that He would give me back my 8-year old eyes and be able to see what a wonderful world that we are living in; to be able to feel that every moment is a wonderful moment to cherish and once again to experience that childlike wonder.

The rain has stopped when the bell rang telling us that it's time to go home. The sun was still shining brightly outside and the clouds looked a little white. It must have emptied all the water it contained. I was walking with my classmates and on the horizon was the largest and brightest rainbow I have ever seen. Life has never been so good for this 8-year old soul.

Friday, May 11, 2007

The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow

All this confusing weather patterns here in Metro Manila has gotten into my system. That's the reason why I'm not at work and instead I'm just sitting here feeling a little heavy, colds, cough and sore throat infecting my body with unremitting boredom just lying on my bed. So I got up and opened the PC and write here to rant.

Good morning to all! How are you my loyal readers? Me, I'm fine just a little sick though but all together in good mental condition (hopefully since work is driving me insane with all those printing errors).

Yesterday, some of my housemates and I watched this small play in Edsa Shangri-la Mall. It's title "Ang Kagila-gilalas na Pangyayari sa Baranggay Matimyas", and it's brought by Trumpets, one of the major Chrsitian theater groups here in the country. I thought at first it was a play about some major crime that has happened in a small barangay but no, it's about how Christ changed the people in the barangay and live meaningful lives. There was Maybelyn, a small "labandera" who doesn't pay her dues; Aling Barbra who is the filthy-rich landlady and other characters as well, like this guy who's drug pushing to pay for his tuition, a "baranggay tanod" who collects bribe. It was a very light-hearted and very funny play capturing the feel of what's it's like living in a small slum barangay in the city and of course the song which doesn't go out of my head, and the salvation song which everyone sings,

The sun'll come out
Bet your bottom dollar
That tomorrow
There'll be sun!

Just thinkin' about
Clears away the cobwebs,
And the sorrow
'Til there's none!

When I'm stuck a day
That's gray,
And lonely,
I just stick out my chin
And Grin,
And Say,

The sun'll come out
So ya gotta hang on
'Til tomorrow
Come what may
Tomorrow! Tomorrow!
I love ya Tomorrow!
You're always
A day
A way!

There's indeed a bright tomorrow for everyone who is changed by Christ.

Monday, May 07, 2007

She was a Bride

She was a bride, beautiful and bright
Her smile brought pleasure to her lover
She was with him day and night
He captures her heart and make her right

She was a bride, beautiful and bright
But her heart was not satisfied
Other lovers have come and wooed her
And she gave her heart away

She was a bride, beautiful and bright
And all that she had has gone away
Feeling like a harlot, she breaks down and cry
Holding the shards of her broken heart.

And she longed for the days
In the eternal paradise
Where the one who truly loves her
Is waiting for her return

She was a bride, beautiful and bright
And she's coming home to stay

Monday, April 02, 2007

Sin and Grace

Does God hear?
Living like a dead-beaten man
Sin, sinned, sinning
I'm eating it like a daily bread
Unsatisfied, still wanting for more
Lustful and glutton

Spiralling in an endless pit
How should I meet my needs
Of love and attention?
Should I indulge in fantasy?
Be absorbed in my destructive adventures

Does God still hear?
Or is it I who just who refused to listen
To His promptings to my heart
Wooing to win me back
Like a lover who betrays
My soul wouldn't want every inch of Him

Here I am sitting
Listening to the beating of my heart
Does it still feel love for God
Or does it feel unrelenting avoidance
When was the last time
That I fell head over heels with God?
Like a distant memory, I barely remember.

Does God remember every cry of my heart?
Of the lonely nights when I was faithful
Does God would now like to remember?
Now that I repeatedly betray Him
I felt dirty in coming to You
You are Holy and I felt like mud
I'd rather stay away and try to forget You.

I come to you and you welcomed me
Disgrace marked my tattered clothes
Yet you robed me magnificently
With grace so bright and costly
Undeserving yet You welcomed me
You were not surprised of my betrayal
You welcomed me, you welcomed me...

Made my heart white as snow
You grace washed the mud away
You are the lover of my soul
I am your beloved, yet you love me just as I am
Restored the romance betweek You and me

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Not by Sight

I am sick... again. For many months now since I have this new job, I got sick frequently. Yesterday, I was chilling in the office, my head felt heavy, though I'm not that feverish. I went home after the office hours and when I got home, I slept. A while ago, I texted my boss that I can't report to work - I've been sneezing and pain is all over my body.

Sunset at Sierra Madre
Amidst all of this, I was thinking somehow that I need a break - that somehow things were what they used to be. I remember the lazy summer days when I was jobless. I remember the retreats we have at Sierra Madre. I remember the feeling the first time I got on stage when I first started at the Praise and Worship Team in our church. Fast forward ... and I got a job - I was trained as an IT Specialist and was assigned here at an insurance company where everyday, stress is the normal word for every day activity but also an opportunity to apply my thinking skills. The ministry in an organization where I am involved with also grew and I was involved in the ministry activities after office hours and on weekends. Praise God! God also blessed me in the Praise and Music ministry in our church, where an opportunity came where I could be a Praise and Worship leader in the 5 pm service of our church aside from my usual back-up singing in the morning services. All of these things are good but now, somehow I got lost in track and I asked God, "Where would all of these lead me?"... I got side tracked, burned out and ministry activities become too routinary and even church singing was more of a duty than a passion and not to mention the weariness I get from my every day job.

In my devotion just this morning, God led me to know Him - as a God where I could fully trust. It's hard to have faith in God when you can't see what lies ahead. But that's what our relationship with God is all about - in faith, when our mortal eyes can't see what's ahead, when we let our shepherd lead us along the way - to the valley far below and on the mountaintop. As I ponder on these, I felt secure. I felt my dreams and hopes just faltred in this fast and busy world but as God brought me in this point - it just brought me to stop and acknowledge my weariness and let God carry me.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Morning Moonshell


O LORD, our Lord,
How majestic is your name
In all the earth!
You have set your glory
Above the heavens


Flowers appear on the earth;
The season of singing has come,
The cooing of doves
Is heard in our land.


As they pass through the Valley of Baca,
They make it a place of springs;
The autumn rains also cover it with pools.


As fire consumes the forest
Or a flame sets the mountains ablaze,


When I consider your heavens,
The work of your fingers,
The moon and the stars,
Which you have set in place,

2007 World Pyrolympics
SM Mall of Asia
Pasay City, Philippines