
Sunday, April 03, 2005

From Now on You Will Catch men

This famous statement made my Jesus Christ is found at Luke 5:10 along with the story of the calling of the first disciples in Luke 5:1-11

5 Simon answered, “Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”

However, the core of my message is verse 5. Peter had said, "Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything,. What does it has to do with us?

Personally I have prayed to God about a dream an ambition and make it a life purpose that someday, I'll produce a large musical. A remake of "My Utmost for His Highest". It will be a grand production, involving costly costumes and props, with big stars singing the solos and world-class choir. I prayed about it day and night with so much enthusiasm and sentimentality, developing a strong hope within me. One day there was an opportunity for me to work as Production Assistant in the show business industry. I prayed to God and told him that this must be His answer to my prayer request.

I was exposed in a world of illusions - where being good-looking is all that matters, where people appear nice as they look but wolves dressed in sheep's fur, where lies, immorality and sin are the norm, where at the surface there is laughing but deep inside is the unexpressed loneliness. During those times, I struggled emotionally, feeling so less important and it makes me feel sorry for myself. However, I still worked hard, not even minding even if I have to sleep at 4 am in the morning and sleep for 4 hrs or being insulted, stepped-down by people who think they have the authority to do that. I didn't mind. This is God's will.

Financially the money was instant, I receive my "talent fee" upon agreement. I entrusted a friend, or so I thought he was with some of the show expenses with my earnings and some of the personal allowance thinking that I will get all of them back when the show is done. Many people including almost all of my friends, and especially my parents advise me to look for a more stable way to earn money but I did not listen. I even turned down a job offer for this. I'm still clinging to the perceived will of God even if at any snap, I could be ruined. To make the story short, I ended up losing a couple of thousand pesos and that friend of mine was nowhere to be found.

And so like Simon Peter, I declared, I have fished all night and caught nothing. I have worked hard to realize a dream but I was ruined. I prayed to God and asked why he let it happen. It happened because God is showing me I have the wrong motives, I was not really seeking His will. Sometimes when God acts, you experience it the hard way to knock us out of our worldliness and to focus on Him. And now I say, "But because you say so... I will let down the nets". To be sensitive to God's will, he have to set aside our worldy intentions and to focus on things that will glorify Him and only Him. Letting down the nets, means surrendering and denying yourself, letting Him to take control over your life.

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