
Thursday, March 30, 2006

Pride and Self-pity

I have been thinking why our society values, "self-pity". It is like a normal drama for all of us when we feel we are USED, ABUSED and when the world seems to devour on us. Yesterday during our leadership meeting, it was shocking for me to know that self-pity, as well self-despair is some form of PRIDE... Of course, we know pride as something that is arrogant, boastful, etc but looking deeper, self-pity is a form of pride. When we pity ourselves, we are too confident of ourselves that if we have to do this or that, people will respond positively. If we think that we sacrificed too much for the sake of a greater cause and yet that sacrifice brings to no result or worse, rejection, we often wallow in self-pity... and we think it's the humblest feeling we could feel. But remember that this feeling resulted in expecting too much for ourselves and from others. It neglects the fact that we can't control how people would react or how would things turn out to be... so it is a form of pride. We need God in an act of faith to do things for us... we can always be assured that if "we will just do our best (not overservicing or overextending), God will do the rest"

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