Moving and Tiring
I forgot how many days have passed... felt like weeks already. Oh, well I guess, it's only one and a half weeks since I've written here in the blog. So what's new in Andy's life? Well ... guess what? FRIENDSTER! I am somewhat addicted to this new hype of meeting people (not nearly as friends), answering surveys from bulletin posts. Actually, Friendster does some good despite draining your wallet from your allowance. It makes you good in correspondence, meet difference kinds of people and who knows? Find your soulmate ... what a bash!
Last Sunday, Butch and I went ventured in Kapitolyo, Pasig near Ortigas to look for a new house. After hours of walking, and being drenched in the rain, we haven't finf any. We found a room that costs 5000 and it's sooooo tiny ... insulting my size... it's clean though with squashy beds and a cool CR. It's actually a good place, very comfy yet very tiny... so it's an X-mark!!! Well, as walked inside Brgy. Kapitolyo, we saw a poster "Room For Rent: #15 San Roque Street, Kapitolyo, Pasig City" and as we passed each corner, we would find a similar ad. I thought, "Wow! This room is well advertised. This must be a good house!" So as we entered San Roque street, we were greeted with elegant houses which remind me of Ladislawa Village. I was impressed and out of nowhere, a shabby sloping area like a squatters' area, materialized in front of us. This couldn't be it until Butch exclaimed it's #15. X-mark!!! without an explanation.
The following day I looked for another house and after two hours, I found one... and that's the one I'm having problems with. It's too crammy, too hot and rain drips from the ceiling. Need I say more? And we have to consume two months to live in there... oh, what a life!
Well, just brace for the next episode.