
Saturday, October 14, 2006

Whatever Happened to Andy

I have not written my own posts for the past 3 months, I think. I've been very busy, will tell you more about the details in the next paragraph.

Last July, I started my training as an AITS (Associate IT Specialist) in BPI-Computer Systems Corporation. It was 2 months and a half blood-drenching training of logic formulation, learning the COBOL program, and the mainframe operating system tools and utilities. It has been a wonderful and exhausting (I was sick twice because of stress) time, learning critical and analytical skills, but most of all the value of teamwork and hard-work along with my fellow trainees. I think most of all those are the most important things.

I will truly miss the times, when we just sit all day coding our programs in the "aquarium", chatting, teasing and joking, listening to Von's MP3s, and eating, eating. I would miss the "belgian" days where after lunch we would go to Ministop for a belgian ice cream. The training has just ended and some of us were "eliminated", those who didn't pass. It's quite sad that module after module were decreeasing in number.

We are now distrubuted to different areas of assignment and it's time to say goodbye. It's sad but life has to go on... We will be going to a new office, meet new people and experience a different culture. There's gonna be a period of adjustment.

Well, whatever happened to Andy... Things have been difficult for him, internally and externally. Many things have come and gone and he's quite unsure what he has become now. God knows and sees his every step... in this busy and fast-paced corporate life, God will surely made His name in his place.

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