"When was the last time I felt like this?"
It felt so familiar and it was an old feeling, so long ago, I thought I wouldn't remember. I used to like rains, I used to love gazing by the window in our old house watching the puddles, anticipating the lightning illuminating the darkened skies and catching myself frightened by the sound of the distant thunder. But there was one instance that I cannot forget, it was like a romance between me and nature and it happened when I was in Grade II.
Remember When It Rained
"It's going to rain diamonds!",
"No," the others said. "It's going to rain ice crystals!"
As if preserved by the moment, we were just there; standing like in a trance, our eyes transfixed, awestruck. Our mouths in big "O"s gaping, beholding at the most beautiful sight. It felt magical and my 8-year old eyes were filled with such wonder only God can do. It's almost near and the crystals were now falling fast and suddenly, my face become wet as huge raindrops hit like bullets on everyone. Everyone scampered to their respective classrooms. When I was inside the room listening to the raging storm outside, my classmates and I were talking about it. We told our teacher about what we've seen and she explained that maybe the raindrops sparkled like diamond crystals because they reflect the sunlight. Oh well, yeah it could be and I know she was right but I can't forget the wonder it had on me.
I got back to my senses, still cherishing that wonderful memory. I haven't had those kind of experiences anymore. Maybe my heart does not anticipate such wonder. It has been blinded by the harsh realities of being an adult - work, bills, stress. I prayed to God that He would give me back my 8-year old eyes and be able to see what a wonderful world that we are living in; to be able to feel that every moment is a wonderful moment to cherish and once again to experience that childlike wonder.
The rain has stopped when the bell rang telling us that it's time to go home. The sun was still shining brightly outside and the clouds looked a little white. It must have emptied all the water it contained. I was walking with my classmates and on the horizon was the largest and brightest rainbow I have ever seen. Life has never been so good for this 8-year old soul.